• Cougar


  • Lions


  • Snowalker


  • Howling


  • Sunbathing


fast facts about Animals

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 by
Animal facts
A cow can go upstairs put most of the cows can't go down stairs


A cockroach can live 9 days without it's head
 elephants : they are the only mammals that cannot jump

polar bears are not right handed they are left handed 

Snails are so lazy they could sleep 3 years without eating while humans could sleep about 20 days without eating
ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain thats why I think they are stupid
starfish don't go to school because they have no brain 

Butterflies taste with their feet

Humans are special  they are the only primates that has no pigments in palm of their hands
Armadillo is the only animal and humans can get leprosy
porcupines can float on water
 a lot of hamsters only blink one eye at a time 
 Nasa wouldn't send birds to space because they will soon die because they need gravity to swallow
 Giraffes can clean their ears with their 21-inch tongue
 All Giraffes have no vocal cords
 A male emperor moth can smell a female emperor moth up to seven miles away

 The pregnant gold fish is called a twit

A pregnant gold fish
 Emus and Kangaroo can't walk backward and for that reason they are on  The australian coat of arms
  certain frogs can be frozen solid then thawed and survive
The urine of cats could glow under moon light or black light 
A shark can detect one part of blood in 100million part of water
                     Rats hold out  than camels they can last longer without water than a camel
Orcas ( killer whales ) has a an effective way to kill sharks they kill sharks by torpedoing up into shark's stomach from underneath which causes the shark to explode

Crocodiles cannot stick their tongues out of their mouths
Lipstick affects women's brains because it contains lead and this causes a decrease in women's thinking
Seahorse is   the slowest discovered fish it drifts at nearly 0.016 km/h


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