07 Nov

who invented fireworks ?

Fireworks are used in celebrations but they are mainly used in new years celebrations and they are used for cultural and religious purpos...

07 Nov

who invented the walk man ?

Sony Walkman WM-2 the best-selling model with plastic battery case and belt clip 1981 Walkman is a music playback device produced ...

05 Nov

How CPU works ? in one lesson

How CPU works ?  in one lesson you will understand how CPU works Just watch this video

05 Nov

How light bulbs work ?

How Light Bulb works ? The best answer is found in this video .

05 Nov

How a calculator works ?

How Calculators work ? to understand how calculators work please watch this small video to understand how Arithmetic logic unit wo...

30 Oct

General relativity vs. Special relativity

General relativity vs. special relativity Before we get in to details first we must know that understanding General relativity or...

30 Oct

Supernova and Hypernova

Supernova Supernova is a stellar explosion that is more energetic than a nova , during a time interval that could be over several weeks ...

29 Oct

Cosmic rays ( Shower of energy )

Cosmic rays are extremely high energy particles mainly coming from the outside of our solar system , they primarily composed of high en...

24 Oct

Glass beach a beach of gems

In people minds the image of a beach is accompanied with the big waves , the water of the sea that has a light blue color , the vast are...

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